China Art File Blog Entries

The Yunnan School of Painting

How ethnic visual culture influenced Chinese contemporary art In the Western art historical canon, it is all too common to focus on the Euro-American influences that inspired and formed Chinese contemporary art during the beginning of the country’s transformative Reform and Opening-up policy. However, much less is known about domestic sources of inspiration, such as…

Yu Linhan 于林汉

I met Yu Linhan a few weeks ago during a very short trip to Berlin, where I was fortunate to be introduced to the artist’s remarkable experience, and deeply philosophical thought-process behind his work.

Zhé Wang 王哲

Zhé Wang, also known as Wang Zhe (after the Chinese name order), moved to Berlin after receiving her Diploma degree and Meisterschülerin nomination from the University of the Arts Bremen in 2018. Zhe’s interests are very broad, and her use of media varies from painting to installation to film (including stop motion), as well as…

Chinese Contemporary Art in Berlin

As Chinese artists in New York and Paris take the spotlight, something far more subdued, yet just as noteworthy, is thriving in a very different part of the world – Berlin, the capital of Germany.

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